Океанология. Океанография - изучение, проблемы и ресурсы мирового океана :: Deep Sea Research Part I, № 1-2, январь - февраль 2008
Deep Sea Research Part I, № 1-2, январь - февраль 2008

Под катом список абстрактов к публикациям вышедших в журнале Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers в  январе и феврале 2008 года.


Volume 55, Issue 1, Pages 1-136 (January 2008)   

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Editorial Board
Page CO2
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Coastal jet separation and associated flow variability in the southwest South China Sea
Pages 1-19
Jianping Gan and Tangdong Qu
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Decadal ventilation and mixing of Indian Ocean waters
Pages 20-37
Rana A. Fine, William M. Smethie Jr, John L. Bullister, Monika Rhein, Dong-Ha Min, Mark J. Warner, Alain Poisson and Ray F. Weiss
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Assessing modern deep-water ages in the New Zealand region using deep-water corals
Pages 38-49
Elisabeth L. Sikes, Samantha N. Burgess, Rachel Grandpre and Thomas P. Guilderson
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The composition of Standard Seawater and the definition of the Reference-Composition Salinity Scale
Pages 50-72
Frank J. Millero, Rainer Feistel, Daniel G. Wright and Trevor J. McDougall
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Influence of nutrient utilization and remineralization stoichiometry on phytoplankton species and carbon export: A modeling study at BATS
Pages 73-107
B. Salihoglu, V. Garçon, A. Oschlies and M.W. Lomas
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A bottom-up view of the biological pump: Modeling source funnels above ocean sediment traps
Pages 108-127
D.A. Siegel, E. Fields and K.O. Buesseler
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Normal modes of the Mascarene Basin
Pages 128-136
Wilbert Weijer
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Volume 55, Issue 2, Pages 137-220 (February 2008)   

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Editorial Board
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Numerical study of the tide and tidal dynamics in the South China Sea
Pages 137-154
Tingting Zu, Jianping Gan and Svetlana Y. Erofeeva
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Ocean surface warming: The North Atlantic remains within the envelope of previous recorded conditions
Pages 155-162
Victoria J. Hobson, Clive R. McMahon, Anthony Richardson and Graeme C. Hays
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A census of oceanic anticyclonic eddies in the Gulf of Alaska
Pages 163-176
Stephanie A. Henson and Andrew C. Thomas
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Particle dynamics in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea: A synthesis based on light transmission, PMC, and POC archives (1991–2001)
Pages 177-202
Aristomenis P. Karageorgis, Wilford D. Gardner, Dimitris Georgopoulos, Alexey V. Mishonov, Evangelia Krasakopoulou and Christos Anagnostou
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 Instruments and Methods
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Hydrothermal exploration with the Autonomous Benthic Explorer
Pages 203-219
Christopher R. German, Dana R. Yoerger, Michael Jakuba, Timothy M. Shank, Charles H. Langmuir and Ko-ichi Nakamura
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Deep-Sea Research Part II, Iss. 1-2,(январь 2008) Journal of geophysical research - Oceans, январь - февраль 2008