Океанология. Океанография - изучение, проблемы и ресурсы мирового океана :: Ocean modelling, № 1-2 за 2008 год
Ocean modelling, № 1-2 за 2008 год

The main objective of Ocean Modelling is to provide rapid communication between those interested in ocean modelling, whether through direct observation, or through analytical, numerical or laboratory models. Because of the intimate links between ocean and atmosphere, involvement of scientists interested in influences of either medium on the other is welcome. The journal has a wide scope and includes ocean-atmosphere interaction in various forms as well as pure ocean results. In addition to peer-reviewed papers, the journal provides preliminary communications and discussions.

Под катом статьи за декабрь 2007 и первых двух номеров за 2008 год. 

Volume 20, Issue 4, Pages 313-392 (2008)  

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Comparison of overflow simulations on different vertical grids using the Finite Element Ocean circulation Model
Pages 313-335
Q. Wang, S. Danilov and J. Schröter
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On the role of bottom roughness in overflows
Pages 336-361
Tamay M. Özgökmen and Paul F. Fischer
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The role of horizontal impulses of the faulting continental slope in generating the 26 December 2004 tsunami
Pages 362-379
Y. Tony Song, L.-L. Fu, Victor Zlotnicki, Chen Ji, Vala Hjorleifsdottir, C.K. Shum and Yuchan Yi
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 Short communication
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A method to reduce the spin-up time of ocean models
Pages 380-392
Erik Bernsen, Henk A. Dijkstra and Fred W. Wubs
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Volume 21, Issues 1-2, Pages 1-70 (2008)  
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Wave propagation across sea-ice thickness changes
Pages 1-11
V.A. Squire and T.D. Williams
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Spreading in the near-field Merrimack River plume
Pages 12-21
Robert D. Hetland and Daniel G. MacDonald
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Implementing biharmonic neptune in a global eddying ocean model
Pages 22-34
Mathew Maltrud and Greg Holloway
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On transit-time distributions in unsteady circulation models
Pages 35-45
T.W.N. Haine, H. Zhang, D.W. Waugh and M. Holzer
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The Bluelink ocean data assimilation system (BODAS)
Pages 46-70
Peter R. Oke, Gary B. Brassington, David A. Griffin and Andreas Schiller
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Limnology and Oceanography, № 1, январь 2008 Deep-Sea Research Part II, Iss. 1-2,(январь 2008)