Океанология. Океанография - изучение, проблемы и ресурсы мирового океана :: BioMarine - основное событие во время председательства Франции в EU
BioMarine - основное событие во время председательства Франции в EU

BioMarine, the official maritime event of the French Presidency of the European Union, will be held 20-24 October in Toulon and Marseille, France. During the 5 days “BioMarine will put the world spotlight on the oceans”.


BioMarine will also be a great opportunity for all attendees to discover the Mediterranean. There will be a specific focus on the Mediterranean Sea during the five-day meeting in the context of cleaning up the sea, its sustainable development issues and maritime geopolitical problems.

International key leaders, institutional, industrial and scientific representatives from around the Mediterranean will meet to advance the efforts to preserve marine resources and restore ocean health.

Some of the key speakers in these sessions:

Frédéric Briand, Director General, CIESM, The Mediterranean Science Council,
Frédéric Hébert, Director, REMPEC (Regional Marine Emergency Response Centre For The Mediterranean Sea),
Stefan Micallef, Marine Environment Division, International Maritime Organization,
Paul Mifsud, Coordinator of the Mediterranean Action Plan, United Nations Environmental Programme,
Jean Tandonnet, Vice Admiral, Maritime Prefect for the Mediterranean…

Other high level scientist from the Mediterranean region will also take an active role in BioMarine discussion sessions.


With oil prices at historic highs, the race is on to develop alternative energy resources. Many countries and businesses are now looking towards the oceans as a highly promising energy source. But are these hopes realistic? What are the prospects for marine currents and ocean waves, the technologies which have received the most attention in the last decade, to become competitive on a large scale? What about tidal energy, thermal energy, and other proposed technologies – have there been any important recent scientific breakthroughs, or should we expect such in the near future?

With the special participation of the following speakers:

Chris Campbell, Executive Director, Ocean Renewable Energy Group Canada,
Jacqueline McGlade, Executive Director, European Environmental Agency,
Bernard Raemy, Executive Vice President, Carbon Capture Corporation,
Pierre-Guy Thérond, Director of Technology, EDF New Energies…

Learn more about BioMarine conference programme and speakers …


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