Океанология. Океанография - изучение, проблемы и ресурсы мирового океана :: HCMR Organises Summer School, Athens, July 2010
HCMR Organises Summer School, Athens, July 2010
HCMR is organising a summer school on “Mediterranean Marine Ecosystems: Functioning and Evolution” sponsored by the Latsis Foundation, in Greece.
The summer school will be held in Athens, from 1 to 15 July 2010.It will be conducted in English and attended by about 30 postgraduate students having a degree on Marine Sciences and special interest in the Mediterranean Sea.

Deadline for aplications 23/04/2010

It will be organised in several sessions addressing the best possible way the major environmental challenges in the Mediterranean Sea. The following sessions have been chosen to represent better related issues:

  •  Mediterranean and World Ocean: Similarities, differences and
  • peculiarities
  • Food web in Mediterranean Marine Ecosystems
  • Biodiversity, non-indigenous species
  • Outbreaks of population (i.e. jellyfish)
  • Extreme environments in the Mediterranean (Brine pools, volcanoes, mud
  • volcanoes etc.)
  • Coastal zones and pressures and Habitat Fragmentation • Oceanography from space: Advantages and disadvantages, first results
  • Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) Fisheries and Productivity
  • Impacts of climate change on the ecosystems, accidification
  • Socioeconomic scenarios

http://hcmr.gr/ latsisfoundationsummerschool20 10

Avdanced School on complexity, Adaptation and Emergence in Marine Ecosystems Летняя школа "Climate Change: zooming in the problem and its solution"