Avdanced School on complexity, Adaptation and Emergence in Marine Ecosystems Версия для печати

to be held in Trieste, Italy, on October 18-27 2010

 The school is co-organized by DTU-ICTP-OGS, and will be held at ICTP, it
is endorsed by ISEM, and possibly it will be endorsed by IMBER
the advanced school aims to cover - with tutorial , lessons,
discussions, labs
activities- different 'novel' approaches to model plankton and marine
ecosystems (from mechanist interactions, fitness and behaviour, game
theory, adaptation trait based models ..)

list of lectures include well known experts, but surely significant
contributions will come also from participants.

number of participant is limited, we aiemd at 30 to 50 people.
interseted people must apply BEFORE 31 May 2010.

there is no registration fee, and financial support is avialable for
people from emerging coutries.

more detail and ONLINE APPLICATION can be accessed at the website
http://agenda.ictp.it/smr.php? 2170  



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