Postdoc and PhD student positions are available at AWI Версия для печати

Postdoc and PhD student positions are available at
the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar
and Marine Research (AWI), Bremerhaven, Germany

The AWI conducts numerical ocean modelling in order
to better understand the general ocean circulation
and the processes involved, with special emphasis on
the circulation around the Antarctic and the production
of deep and bottom waters there. One of our main tools
is a finite-element general ocean circulation model, in
which we assimilate measured data. To support this
activity and to extend the application to research
on tides and tsunamis, section 'Ocean Circulation' at the
Climate System Department
is looking for

two oceanographers, meteorologists, mathematicians
(Reference number 37/III).
The employment is subject to the regulations of the
federal salary scale as far as they are applicable at the AWI.

Requirements:  PhD and very good knowledge in oceanography
or another discipline relevant to ocean modelling. Good
mathematical skills and experience with FORTRAN/UNIX
are necessary. Knowledge in data assimilation, numerical
modelling or finite-elements methods are an advantage.

Furthermore AWI is offering positions for

two graduate students (physicists, oceanographers, meteorologists)
(Reference number 38/III) -

whose areas of activity will be
- the further development of the global finite-element circulation model
- the design of regional models
- the development of a tide module
- the modelling of tsunamis in the tsunami early warning system
- the modelling of the ocean general circulation
- the assimilation of data

Requirements: successfully completed studies in physics,
oceanography or meteorology and experience in numerical
modelling and data assimilation.

Furthermore,  Climate System Department of AWI is looking for

two graduate students (physicists, oceanographers, meteorologists)
(Reference number 39/III)
to assist in the BMBF (German Ministry for Education and Research)
project: "Validation and use of sea-level data by assimilation in
circulation models of the oceans"

Verification of different altimeter products regarding their consistency
with ocean dynamics.

Calculation of regional and global sea-level changes for 20 years
and more, in order to close the gap between the GEOSAT and
ERS & TOPEX/Poseidon missions with the aid of ocean modelling
and data assimilation.

Refining the ocean model resolution, to obtain a better description
of the boundary currents, which allow the assimilation of level data,
and prepare the use of high-resolution GOCE geoids.

Requirements: successfully completed studies in physics,
oceanography or meteorology and experience in numerical
modelling and data assimilation.

All positions are limited to three years.
You may obtain further information from Dr. Jens Schroeter
( Этот адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов. Чтобы увидеть его, у Вас должен быть включен Java-Script ), phone +49 471/4831-1762.

The AWI aims at increasing the number of female scientists. Therefore,
qualified female scientists are explicitly required to apply.
In case of equal qualifications the AWI will try to give
the job to a female scientist.

Severely disabled applicants will be preferred in case
of equal professional and personal qualifications. Please consider
the information on our homepage ( under 'jobs'.

The AWI supports balanced work-life career development via
a variety of alternatives. In Bremerhaven, the AWI offers
places in a day-nursery.

Applications with the usual documents (CV, photographs, certificates
and performance records) are to be sent, mentioning the reference
number, until 20 Juli 2006 to:
Alfred-Wegener-Institut fuer
Polar- und Meeresforschung, Personalabteilung,
Postfach 12 01 61, 27515 Bremerhaven

Dr. S. Danilov
AWI for Polar and Marine Research
Postfach 120161
27515 Bremerhaven, Germany



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