Call for papers: Summit on Hurricanes and Climate Change (Greece) Версия для печати


Some recent studies suggest that tropical cyclones are becoming more
powerful with the most dramatic increase in the North Atlantic. The
increase in the Atlantic is correlated with an increase in ocean
temperature. A debate concerns the nature of these increases with
some studies attributing them to natural climate fluctuations (e.g.,
the Atlantic multi-decadal oscillation), and others suggesting
climate change related to anthropogenic increases in forcing from
greenhouse gases.

A Summit on Hurricanes and Climate Change to be held in Crete, GREECE
May 27-June 1, 2007 will bring together leading academics and
researchers on both sides of the scientific debate to discuss
research and express opinions on this important topic. The goal is to
frame the debate and address what research is needed to advance the
science of hurricane climate. The purpose is to provide a venue for
encouraging a lively, spirited, and sustained exchange of ideas.

The summit is being organized by James Elsner from Florida State
University and by Richard Murnane from the Bermuda Institute of Ocean
Sciences (BIOS).  The format is plenary sessions with invited talks.
Scientists interested in presenting new research on this topic are
encouraged to submit an abstract for a poster. The venue for the
Summit is the Aldemar Hotel Knossos Royal Village
(http://aegeanconferences .org/ under Locations). The Summit is
sponsored by the Aegean Conferences and the Risk Prediction
Initiative of the BIOS. Please register online with the Aegean
Conferences. Some money will be available for student travel.

Richard J Murnane
Program Manager, Risk Prediction Initiative
Associate Research Scientist, Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences
Tel: 443-622-6484      Fax: 301-942-1886





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