Hurricane Portal available Версия для печати

Hurricane Portal for Scientists, Students, and Applications Users: Open
for Business

Scientists, students, and applications users seeking satellite data on
hurricanes now have a new place to turn -- a web portal created by NASA
Goddard Earth Sciences (GES) Data and Information Services Center
(DISC). The new Hurricane web portal is designed for viewing and
studying hurricanes with a variety of measurements from satellite-based
NASA instruments.

The NASA GES-DISC Hurricane Data Portal can be found at: /hurricane/index.shtml .

This interactive website consists of several components, including:

   - The 'Latest Generated 3 Hour Rainfall Total Images' (right on the
home page)
   - The 'Image Gallery' showing the latest maps and profiles of
pre-selected regions, updated daily.
   - Event-based data featuring pictures, animations and summaries of
current and past tropical storms or hurricanes.
   - The 'Hurricane Viewer'
( /hurricane/HurricaneViewer .shtml)  which
contains Flash animations (*very cool!*) of storms and hurricanes.
   - The 'Science Focus' which includes examples and stories describing
the data used in hurricane monitoring and research.

The 'Tools' section ( /hurricane/tools.shtml )
connects to NASA satellite data from the TRMM, MODIS, and AIRS
instruments via the easy to use online analysis and visualization
software system called Giovanni.  Giovanni allows users to explore,
visualize and analyze Earth sciences data interactively online without
having to download any data.

Once data of interest is found, researchers can acquire
hurricane-related data using the data retrieval tool, Mirador, which
searches for data by date, parameter, instrument, or any keyword.
Another ordering mechanism is the Web Hierarchical Ordering Mechanism
(WHOM), which allows searching for data for a particular time and area.
 Both tools are also found from the 'Tools' section.



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GSFC Earth Sciences (GES) Data and Information Services Center (DISC),
home for:
 - Atmospheric Composition and Dynamics, and Precipitation Data and

Steven J. Kempler                       Email: Этот адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов. Чтобы увидеть его, у Вас должен быть включен Java-Script
NASA/GSFC, Code 610.2, Greenbelt, Maryland 20771    Ph.:  301-614-5765

The GES DISCs mission is to maximize the use, usefulness, and usability
of NASAs Earth science data for science research and applications.
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Source - Climlist 




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