Journal of Climate Версия для печати

И снова пара слов о Мередиональной плотностной циркуляции (чтоб я помнил как её по русски обзывают), несколько статей типа как влияют костры индейцев амазонки на климат Арктики и ENSO (не без моделей, естественно),  кое что об ошибках в определении Air–Sea Fluxe (аж в 2х частях), тем кто собирается на отдых в тропики возмодно будет интересна статья про изменчивость SST в течении дня в тех краях, есть ещё статья про влияние цвета моря на атмосферу и собственно на само море (осторожно, модель! )),

Early Detection of Changes in the North Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation: Implications for the Design of Ocean Observation Systems
Klaus Keller,  Curtis Deutsch,  Matthew G. Hall, and David F. Bradford pages 145-157.
[ Abstract ] [ Full Text ] [ PDF (519K) ]

Fall Persistence Barrier of Sea Surface Temperature in the South China Sea Associated with ENSO
Jau-Ming Chen,  Tim Li, and Ching-Feng Shih pages 158-172.
[ Abstract ] [ Full Text ] [ PDF (2.78M) ]

Impact of Remote Reemergence of the Subtropical Mode Water on Winter SST Variation in the Central North Pacific
Shusaku Sugimoto and Kimio Hanawa pages 173-186.
[ Abstract ] [ Full Text ] [ PDF (2.01M) ]

Convective Forcing Fluctuations in a Cloud-Resolving Model: Relevance to the Stochastic Parameterization Problem
G. J. Shutts and T. N. Palmerpages 187-202.
[ Abstract ] [ Full Text ] [ PDF (1.20M) ]

ENSO Amplitude Changes due to Climate Change Projections in Different Coupled Models
Sang-Wook Yeh and Ben P. Kirtman pages 203-217.
[ Abstract ] [ Full Text ] [ PDF (2.31M) ]

Regional Climate Model Simulations of U.S. Precipitation and Surface Air Temperature during 1982–2002: Interannual Variation
Jinhong Zhu and Xin-Zhong Liang pages 218-232.
[ Abstract ] [ Full Text ] [ PDF (3.79M) ]

Precipitation and Cloud Structure in Midlatitude Cyclones
Paul R. Field and Robert Woodpages 233-254.
[ Abstract ] [ Full Text ] [ PDF (3.75M) ]

Effects of Land Surface–Vegetation on the Boreal Summer Surface Climate of a GCM
Andrea Alessandri,  Silvio Gualdi,  Jan Polcher, and Antonio Navarra pages 255-278.
[ Abstract ] [ Full Text ] [ PDF (5.97M) ]

Estimation of the Impact of Sampling Errors in the VOS Observations on Air–Sea Fluxes. Part I: Uncertainties in Climate Means
Sergey Gulev,  Thomas Jung, and Eberhard Ruprecht pages 279-301.
[ Abstract ] [ Full Text ] [ PDF (4.25M) ]

Estimation of the Impact of Sampling Errors in the VOS Observations on Air–Sea Fluxes. Part II: Impact on Trends and Interannual Variability
Sergey Gulev,  Thomas Jung, and Eberhard Ruprecht pages 302-315.
[ Abstract ] [ Full Text ] [ PDF (2.33M) ]

Amazon and Orinoco River Plumes and NBC Rings: Bystanders or Participants in Hurricane Events?
Amy Ffield pages 316-333.
[ Abstract ] [ Full Text ] [ PDF (2.78M) ]

Variability of Tropical Diurnal Sea Surface Temperature
Carol Anne Clayson and Derrick Weitlich pages 334-352.
[ Abstract ] [ Full Text ] [ PDF (3.46M) ]

Coupled Ocean–Atmosphere Response to Seasonal Modulation of Ocean Color: Impact on Interannual Climate Simulations in the Tropical Pacific
J. Ballabrera-Poy,  R. Murtugudde,  R.-H. Zhang, and A. J. Busalacchi pages 353-374.
[ Abstract ] [ Full Text ] [ PDF (7.22M) ]

Comments on “The Shortcomings of Nonlinear Principal Component Analysis in Identifying Circulation Regimes”
Adam H. Monahan and John C. Fyfe pages 375-377.
[ Full Text ] [ PDF (172K) ]

Bo Christiansen pages 378-379.
[ Full Text ] [ PDF (95K) ]



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