Новые книги от издательства Springer Версия для печати

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Book News

Encyclopedia of World Climatology
Encyclopedia of World Climatology
Edited by John E. Oliver

This comprehensive volume covers all the main subfields of climatology, supplies information on climates in major continental areas, and explains the intricacies of climatic processes. The level of presentation will meet the needs of specialists, university students, and educated laypersons.

The Black Sea Flood Question

The Black Sea Flood Question
Changes in Coastline, Climate and Human Settlement
Edited by V. Yanko-Hombach, A.S Gilbert, and N. Panin, P.M. Dolukhanov

Stimulated by "Noah's Flood Hypothesis" proposed by W. Ryan and W. Pitman in which a catastrophic inundation of the Pontic basin was linked to the biblical story, leading experts in Black Sea research provide overviews of their data and interpretations obtained through empirical scientific approaches.

Atmospheric Aerosol Properties

Atmospheric Aerosol Properties
Edited by K.Y. Kondratyev, L.S. Ivlev, V.F. Krapivin, and C.A. Varostos

This book provides the first comprehensive analysis of how aerosols form in the atmosphere through in situ processes as well as via transport from the surface. Such an analysis has been followed by the consideration of both observation data and numerical modeling results to assess climate impacts of aerosols bearing in mind that these impacts are the most significant uncertainty in studying natural and anthropogenic causes of climate change.

The Asian Monsoon

The Asian Monsoon
Bin Wang

Satellite observations and computing technology have advanced our understanding of the monsoon climate enormously in the last two decades. This book provides an update of the knowledge gained over this period, presenting the modern morphology and the physical principles of monsoon climate variation on all time scales ranging from intraseasonal to tectonic time scales.

Book Series

Atmospheric and Oceanographic Sciences Library
Series Editors: Lawrence A. Mysak and Kevin Hamilton

The Atmospheric and Oceanographic Sciences Library includes books relating to fundamental aspects of the science of the atmosphere and ocean. Volumes covering any aspect of the physics and chemistry of the atmosphere and ocean are within the scope of the series.

Recent volumes include:

An Introduction to Global Spectral Modeling
An Introduction to Global Spectral Modeling

Edited by T.N Krishnamurti, H.S. Bedi, V. Hardiker, and L. Ramaswamy
Cloud Optics
Cloud Optics

Edited by Alexander A. Kokhanovsky


Conference News

American Meteorological Society, Annual Meeting 2007
American Meteorological Society, Annual Meeting 2007
January 14â?“18 2007, San Antonio, TX

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Environmental Computing / Environmental Modelling

Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XVII
Editor/s: Borrego, Carlos; Norman, Ann-Lise

Quantified Eco-Efficiency
Editor/s: Huppes, Gjalt; Ishikawa, Masanobu

Meteorology / Climatology

Atmospheric Convection: Research and Operational Forecasting Aspects
Editor/s: Giaiotti, Dario B.; Steinacker, Reinhold; Stel, Fulvio

Climate Variability, Predictability and Climate Risks
Editor/s: Wanner, H.; Grosjean, M.; Röthlisberger, R.; Xoplaki, E.


High-Frequency Seafloor Acoustics
Jackson, Darrell; Richardson, Michael

The Oceanic Thermohaline Circulation: An Introduction
Aken, Hendrik M. van

Remote Sensing / Photogrammetry

Observing Systems for Atmospheric Composition
Editor/s: Visconti, Guido; Di Carlo, Pietro; Brune, W.; Schoeberl, M.; Wahner, Andreas




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