Journal of Climate Версия для печати

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Rowan Sutton pages 5947-5947.
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The Physical Basis for Predicting Atlantic Sector Seasonal-to-Interannual Climate Variability
Yochanan Kushnir,  Walter A. Robinson,  Ping Chang, and Andrew W. Robertson pages 5949-5970.
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A Review of Predictability Studies of Atlantic Sector Climate on Decadal Time Scales
M. Latif,  M. Collins,  H. Pohlmann, and N. Keenlyside pages 5971-5987.
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Seasonal-to-Decadal Predictability and Prediction of South American Climate
P. Nobre,  J. A. Marengo,  I. F. A. Cavalcanti,  G. Obregon,  V. Barros,  I. Camilloni,  N. Campos, and A. G. Ferreira pages 5988-6004.
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Seasonal-to-Decadal Predictability and Prediction of North American Climate—The Atlantic Influence
H. M. Van den Dool,  Peitao Peng,  Åke Johansson,  Muthuvel Chelliah,  Amir Shabbar, and Suranjana Saha pages 6005-6024.
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Medium-Range, Monthly, and Seasonal Prediction for Europe and the Use of Forecast Information
Mark J. Rodwell and Francisco J. Doblas-Reyes pages 6025-6046.
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Tropical Atlantic SST Prediction with Coupled Ocean–Atmosphere GCMs
Timothy N. Stockdale,  Magdalena A. Balmaseda, and Arthur Vidard pages 6047-6061.
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Influence of the Multidecadal Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Variability on European Climate
Holger Pohlmann,  Frank Sienz, and Mojib Latif pages 6062-6067.
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Seasonal Prediction of Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies Using a Suite of 13 Coupled Atmosphere–Ocean Models
T. N. Krishnamurti,  Arindam Chakraborty,  Ruby Krishnamurti,  William K. Dewar, and Carol Anne Clayson pages 6069-6088.
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The Global Distribution of Supersaturation in the Upper Troposphere from the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder
Andrew Gettelman,  Eric J. Fetzer,  Annmarie Eldering, and Fredrick W. Irion pages 6089-6103.
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Climatology of Upper-Tropospheric Relative Humidity from the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder and Implications for Climate
Andrew Gettelman,  William D. Collins,  Eric J. Fetzer,  Annmarie Eldering,  Fredrick W. Irion,  Phillip B. Duffy, and Govindasamy Bala pages 6104-6121.
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The Role of Oceanic Heat Advection in the Evolution of Tropical North and South Atlantic SST Anomalies
Gregory R. Foltz and Michael J. McPhaden pages 6122-6138.
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Planetary Wave Breaking and Nonlinear Reflection: Seasonal Cycle and Interannual Variability
John T. Abatzoglou and Gudrun Magnusdottir pages 6139-6152.
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Role of Net Surface Heat Flux in Seasonal Variations of Sea Surface Temperature in the Tropical Atlantic Ocean
Lisan Yu,  Xiangze Jin, and Robert A. Weller pages 6153-6169.
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Simulation of the 1976/77 Climate Transition over the North Pacific: Sensitivity to Tropical Forcing
Clara Deser and Adam S. Phillips pages 6170-6180.
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Climate Forcings and Climate Sensitivities Diagnosed from Coupled Climate Model Integrations
Piers M. de F. Forster and Karl E. Taylor pages 6181-6194.
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Hemispheric Insolation Forcing of the Indian Ocean and Asian Monsoon: Local versus Remote Impacts
Xiaodong Liu,  Zhengyu Liu,  John E. Kutzbach,  Steven C. Clemens, and Warren L. Prell pages 6195-6208.
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Climate-Driven Variability and Trends in Mountain Snowpack in Western North America
Philip W. Mote pages 6209-6220.
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Simulated Arctic Ocean Freshwater Budgets in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries
Marika M. Holland,  Joel Finnis, and Mark C. Serreze pages 6221-6242.
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The Impact of Cloud Radiative Feedback, Remote ENSO Forcing, and Entrainment on the Persistence of North Pacific Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies
Sungsu Park,  Michael A. Alexander, and Clara Deser pages 6243-6261.
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Brian J. Soden and Isaac M. Held pages 6263-6263.
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