Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers Версия для печати

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1.  Editorial Board • EDITORIAL BOARD
Page CO2
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You are entitled to access the full text of this document 2.  The role of freshwater fluxes in the thermohaline circulation: Insights from a laboratory analogue • ARTICLE
Pages 1-21
Julia C. Mullarney, Ross W. Griffiths and Graham O. Hughes
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You are entitled to access the full text of this document 3.  Dense water formation in the Nordic Seas diagnosed from sea surface buoyancy fluxes • ARTICLE
Pages 22-41
Pål Erik Isachsen, Cecilie Mauritzen and Harald Svendsen
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You are entitled to access the full text of this document 4.  On the circulation of water masses across the Mascarene Plateau in the South Indian Ocean • ARTICLE
Pages 42-74
A.L. New, S.G. Alderson, D.A. Smeed and K.L. Stansfield
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You are entitled to access the full text of this document 5.  Continuous measurement of an artificial upwelling of deep sea water induced by the perpetual salt fountain • ARTICLE
Pages 75-84
Koutaro Tsubaki, Shigenao Maruyama, Atsuki Komiya and Hiroaki Mitsugashira
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You are entitled to access the full text of this document 6.  Geochemistry of lithium in marine ferromanganese oxide deposits • ARTICLE
Pages 85-98
Xuejun Jiang, Xuehui Lin, De Yao, Shikui Zhai and Weidong Guo
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You are entitled to access the full text of this document 7.  A taste of the deep-sea: The roles of gustatory and tactile searching behaviour in the grenadier fish Coryphaenoides armatus • ARTICLE
Pages 99-108
David M. Bailey, Hans-Joachim Wagner, Alan J. Jamieson, Murray F. Ross and Imants G. Priede
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You are entitled to access the full text of this document 8.  Spatial and temporal variations in deep-sea meiofauna assemblages in the Marginal Ice Zone of the Arctic Ocean • ARTICLE
Pages 109-129
Eveline Hoste, Sandra Vanhove, Ingo Schewe, Thomas Soltwedel and Ann Vanreusel
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You are entitled to access the full text of this document 9.  Ocean control of the breeding regime of the sooty tern in the southwest Indian Ocean • ARTICLE
Pages 130-142
S. Jaquemet, M. Le Corre and G.D. Quartly
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 Instruments and Methods
You are entitled to access the full text of this document 10.  Simultaneous acoustic observations of turbulence and zooplankton in the ocean • SHORT COMMUNICATION
Pages 143-153
Tetjana Ross, Isabelle Gaboury and Rolf Lueck
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