Journal of Physical Oceanography, Volume 36, No 11 Версия для печати

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The Summertime Heat Budget and Circulation of Southeast New England Shelf Waters
John L. Wilkin pages 1997-2011.
[ Abstract ] [ Full Text ] [ PDF (3.15M) ]

Estimated Decadal Changes in the North Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation and Heat Flux 1993–2004
Carl Wunsch and Patrick Heimbach pages 2012-2024.
[ Abstract ] [ Full Text ] [ PDF (1.39M) ]

An Observational Estimate of Volume and Freshwater Flux Leaving the Arctic Ocean through Nares Strait
Andreas Münchow,  Humfrey Melling, and Kelly K. Falkner pages 2025-2041.
[ Abstract ] [ Full Text ] [ PDF (2.75M) ]

Blocking of the Kuroshio Large Meander by Baroclinic Interaction with the Izu Ridge
Humio Mitsudera,  Bunmei Taguchi,  Takuji Waseda, and Yasushi Yoshikawa pages 2042-2059.
[ Abstract ] [ Full Text ] [ PDF (3.63M) ]

The Sources and Mixing Characteristics of the Agulhas Current
Lisa M. Beal,  Teresa K. Chereskin,  Yueng D. Lenn, and Shane Elipot pages 2060-2074.
[ Abstract ] [ Full Text ] [ PDF (1.82M) ]

Location of the Antarctic Polar Front from AMSR-E Satellite Sea Surface Temperature Measurements
Shenfu Dong,  Janet Sprintall, and Sarah T. Gille pages 2075-2089.
[ Abstract ] [ Full Text ] [ PDF (1.80M) ]

Argon as a Tracer of Cross-Isopycnal Mixing in the Thermocline
Cara C. Henning,  David Archer, and Inez Fung pages 2090-2105.
[ Abstract ] [ Full Text ] [ PDF (1.42M) ]

Eulerian versus Lagrangian Approaches to the Wave-Induced Transport in the Upper Ocean
Jan Erik H. Weber,  Göran Broström, and Øyvind Saetra pages 2106-2118.
[ Abstract ] [ Full Text ] [ PDF (550K) ]

Gulf Stream Variability in Five Oceanic General Circulation Models
Gaëlle de Coëtlogon,  Claude Frankignoul,  Mats Bentsen,  Claire Delon,  Helmuth Haak,  Simona Masina, and Anne Pardaens pages 2119-2135.
[ Abstract ] [ Full Text ] [ PDF (3.52M) ]

Form Drag due to Flow Separation at a Headland
Ryan M. McCabe,  Parker MacCready, and Geno Pawlak pages 2136-2152.
[ Abstract ] [ Full Text ] [ PDF (1.75M) ]

Non-Gaussian Velocity Probability Density Functions: An Altimetric Perspective of the Mediterranean Sea
Jordi Isern-Fontanet,  Emilio García-Ladona,  Jordi Font, and Antonio García-Olivares pages 2153-2164.
[ Abstract ] [ Full Text ] [ PDF (1.17M) ]

Estimating the Sea Ice Compressive Strength from Satellite-Derived Sea Ice Drift and NCEP Reanalysis Data
L.-B. Tremblay and M. Hakakian pages 2165-2172.
[ Abstract ] [ Full Text ] [ PDF (509K) ]

Alongshore Wind Forcing of Coastal Sea Level as a Function of Frequency
Holly F. Ryan and Marlene A. Noble pages 2173-2184.
[ Abstract ] [ Full Text ] [ PDF (1.17M) ]

Time-Dependent Response to Cooling in a Beta-Plane Basin
Joseph Pedlosky pages 2185-2198.
[ Abstract ] [ Full Text ] [ PDF (1.77M) ]



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