Journal of Climate Volume 19 No.22 Версия для печати

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Ancient Austrocedrus Tree-Ring Chronologies Used to Reconstruct Central Chile Precipitation Variability from a.d. 1200 to 2000
Carlos Le Quesne,  David W. Stahle,  Malcolm K. Cleaveland,  Matthew D. Therrell,  Juan Carlos Aravena, and Jonathan Barichivich pages 5731-5744.
[ Abstract ] [ Full Text ] [ PDF (1.13M) ]

The Effect of Environmental Conditions on Tropical Deep Convective Systems Observed from the TRMM Satellite
Bing Lin,  Bruce A. Wielicki,  Patrick Minnis,  Lin Chambers,  Kuan-Man Xu,  Yongxiang Hu, and Alice Fan pages 5745-5761.
[ Abstract ] [ Full Text ] [ PDF (1.16M) ]

Winter North Atlantic Oscillation Hindcast Skill: 1900–2001
Christopher G. Fletcher and Mark A. Saunders pages 5762-5776.
[ Abstract ] [ Full Text ] [ PDF (1.98M) ]

Bifurcation Structure of Thermohaline Millennial Oscillations
A. Colin de Verdière,  M. Ben Jelloul, and F. Sévellec pages 5777-5795.
[ Abstract ] [ Full Text ] [ PDF (1.21M) ]

Studies of El Niño and Interdecadal Variability in Tropical Sea Surface Temperatures Using a Nonnormal Filter
Cécile Penland and Ludmila Matrosova pages 5796-5815.
[ Abstract ] [ Full Text ] [ PDF (3.62M) ]

A New Globally Complete Monthly Historical Gridded Mean Sea Level Pressure Dataset (HadSLP2): 1850–2004
Rob Allan and Tara Ansellpages 5816-5842.
[ Abstract ] [ Full Text ] [ PDF (3.55M) ]

Twentieth-Century Surface Air Temperature over China and the Globe Simulated by Coupled Climate Models
Tianjun Zhou and Rucong Yupages 5843-5858.
[ Abstract ] [ Full Text ] [ PDF (2.42M) ]

Some Overlooked Features of Tropical Atlantic Climate Leading to a New Niño-Like Phenomenon
Yuko Okumura and Shang-Ping Xie pages 5859-5874.
[ Abstract ] [ Full Text ] [ PDF (2.26M) ]

The Temporal Variability of Soil Moisture and Surface Hydrological Quantities in a Climate Model
Vivek K. Arora and George J. Boer pages 5875-5888.
[ Abstract ] [ Full Text ] [ PDF (1.74M) ]

The Impact of Satellite Winds and Latent Heat Fluxes in a Numerical Simulation of the Tropical Pacific Ocean
Ludos-Herve Ayina,  Abderrahim Bentamy,  Alberto M. Mestas-Nuñez, and Gurvan Madec pages 5889-5902.
[ Abstract ] [ Full Text ] [ PDF (1.46M) ]

The Effect of Potential Future Climate Change on the Marine Methane Hydrate Stability Zone
Jeremy G. Fyke and Andrew J. Weaver pages 5903-5917.
[ Abstract ] [ Full Text ] [ PDF (1.23M) ]

A Climatology of Tropospheric Zonal-Mean Water Vapor Fields and Fluxes in Isentropic Coordinates
Tapio Schneider,  Karen L. Smith,  Paul A. O’Gorman, and Christopher C. Walker pages 5918-5933.
[ Abstract ] [ Full Text ] [ PDF (2.32M) ]

Atmospheric Modes of Variability in a Changing Climate
Jenny Brandefelt pages 5934-5943.
[ Abstract ] [ Full Text ] [ PDF (1.76M) ] 



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