Remote Sensing of Environment Volume 105, Issue 3, Pages 173-270 (15 December 2006) Версия для печати

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1.  Editorial Board • EDITORIAL BOARD
Page CO2
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You are not entitled to access the full text of this document 2.  Evaluation of satellite based primary production modelling in the semi-arid Sahel • ARTICLE
Pages 173-188
Rasmus Fensholt, Inge Sandholt, Michael Schultz Rasmussen, Simon Stisen and Alioune Diouf
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You are not entitled to access the full text of this document 3.  Characterization of seasonal variation of forest canopy in a temperate deciduous broadleaf forest, using daily MODIS data • ARTICLE
Pages 189-203
Qingyuan Zhang, Xiangming Xiao, Bobby Braswell, Ernst Linder, Scott Ollinger, Marie-Louise Smith, Julian P. Jenkins, Fred Baret, Andrew D. Richardson, Berrien Moore III and Rakesh Minocha
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You are not entitled to access the full text of this document 4.  Utilizing SAR imagery and aquatic vegetation to map fresh and brackish lakes in the Brazilian Pantanal wetland • ARTICLE
Pages 204-213
Maycira P.F. Costa and Kevin H. Telmer
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You are not entitled to access the full text of this document 5.  Calibration of NOAA16 AVHRR over a desert site using MODIS data • ARTICLE
Pages 214-220
E.F. Vermote and N.Z. Saleous
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You are not entitled to access the full text of this document 6.  A satellite-derived climatology of global ocean winds • ARTICLE
Pages 221-236
Craig M. Risien and Dudley B. Chelton
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You are not entitled to access the full text of this document 7.  Snow-vegetation relations in a High Arctic ecosystem: Inter-annual variability inferred from new monitoring and modeling concepts • ARTICLE
Pages 237-247
Jørgen Buus-Hinkler, Birger U. Hansen, Mikkel P. Tamstorf and Steen B. Pedersen
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You are not entitled to access the full text of this document 8.  The use of waveform lidar to measure northern temperate mixed conifer and deciduous forest structure in New Hampshire • ARTICLE
Pages 248-261
Jeanne Anderson, M.E. Martin, M-L. Smith, R.O. Dubayah, M.A. Hofton, P. Hyde, B.E. Peterson, J.B. Blair and R.G. Knox
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You are not entitled to access the full text of this document 9.  Continuum removed band depth analysis for detecting the effects of natural gas, methane and ethane on maize reflectance • ARTICLE
Pages 262-270
Marleen F. Noomen, Andrew K. Skidmore, Freek D. van der Meer and Herbert H.T. Prins
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