Ocean Modelling Volume 15, Issues 3-4, Pages 139-298 (2006) Версия для печати

Номер посвящён результатам полученным при помощи нового поколения моделей океана. В частности исследованию изменчивости глубинной конвекции в Датском проливе, восстановлению термохалинной циркуляции при стабилизации СО2 , несколько статей посвящено исследованиям в тропической Пацифике.

 1.  Oceanic results from a new generation of coupled climate models • EDITORIAL
Pages 139-140
Richard Wood
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You are not entitled to access the full text of this document 2.  Changes in ocean ventilation during the 21st Century in the CCSM3 • ARTICLE
Pages 141-156
Frank O. Bryan, Gokhan Danabasoglu, Peter R. Gent and Keith Lindsay
Abstract | Full Text + Links | PDF (2587 K) | To Purchase and Download the Full Article, Click PDF
You are not entitled to access the full text of this document 3.  Deep convection seesaw controlled by freshwater transport through the Denmark Strait • ARTICLE
Pages 157-176
Akira Oka, Hiroyasu Hasumi, Naosuke Okada, Takashi T. Sakamoto and Tatsuo Suzuki
Abstract | Full Text + Links | PDF (2156 K) | To Purchase and Download the Full Article, Click PDF
You are not entitled to access the full text of this document 4.  Geographic distribution of the diapycnal component of thermohaline circulations in coupled climate models • ARTICLE
Pages 177-199
Shan Sun and Rainer Bleck
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You are not entitled to access the full text of this document 5.  Recovery of thermohaline circulation under CO2 stabilization and overshoot scenarios • ARTICLE
Pages 200-217
Norikazu. Nakashiki, Dong-Hoon Kim, Frank O. Bryan, Yoshikatsu Yoshida, Daisuke Tsumune, Koki Maruyama and Hideyuki Kitabata
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You are not entitled to access the full text of this document 6.  Pacific tropical–extratropical thermocline water mass exchanges in the NCAR Coupled Climate System Model v.3 • ARTICLE
Pages 218-235
Amy Solomon and Ilana Wainer
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You are not entitled to access the full text of this document 7.  Pacific subtropical cell variability in coupled climate model simulations of the late 19th–20th century • ARTICLE
Pages 236-249
Amy Solomon and Dongxiao Zhang
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You are not entitled to access the full text of this document 8.  Decadal variability of the shallow Pacific meridional overturning circulation: Relation to tropical sea surface temperatures in observations and climate change models • ARTICLE
Pages 250-273
Dongxiao Zhang and Michael J. McPhaden
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You are not entitled to access the full text of this document 9.  Spatial and temporal structure of Tropical Pacific interannual variability in 20th century coupled simulations • ARTICLE
Pages 274-298
Antonietta Capotondi, Andrew Wittenberg and Simona Masina
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