Call for Papers - IPY GeoNorth 2007-First International Circumpolar Conference on Geospatial Science Версия для печати

Call for Papers
IPY GeoNorth 2007 - First International Circumpolar Conference on
Geospatial Sciences and Applications
20-24 August 2007
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada

Abstract Submission Deadline: Monday, 19 February 2007

For further information, please go to:

IPY GeoNorth 2007, the First International Circumpolar Conference on
Geospatial Sciences and Applications, will be held on 20-24 August 2007,
in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada.

The conference provides an opportunity for participants and scientists
to share knowledge and learn from past and current experiences on the
generation, management, and use of geospatial data and information in
the northern arctic environments. The conference also facilitates
capacity building, exchange of best practices, and greater interaction
among the geomatics communities. National mapping organizations of the
eight arctic countries have been invited to discuss and exchange ideas
towards the implementation of the Arctic Spatial Data Infrastructure

Oral and poster presentations are invited on research and applications
for the following main themes:
- Development of arctic geospatial infrastructures for northern regions;
- Earth observation data and applications for northern regions;
- Geospatial information in support of geosciences, environmental
studies, and cultural heritage of the North;
- Mapping and monitoring changes of northern environments and
- Communication of spatial information and geo-visualization;
- Spatial decision support systems;
- Interoperability and standards of geospatial data;
- Geospatial knowledge infrastructure for the North, traditional
knowledge and practices, training and capacity building on geospatial
information and technologies, technology transfer, and e-learning/remote
- Geospatial data and tools for land management and property rights;
- Horizontal and vertical reference systems;
- Positioning and navigation;
- Emergency response, and search and rescue; and
- Data access and dissemination.

Abstracts of 350-400 words should be submitted by Monday, 19 February
2007, at the conference website:

Notification of accepted papers will be given by 30 March 2007, and full
papers will be due on 25 June 2007.

For further information, please contact:
Florin Savopol
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