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Результаты альтиметрических измерений в районе озера ВОСТОК и другие совершенно никак не связанные с океанологией статьи можно найти под катом ) 

Editorial Board  • EDITORIAL BOARD
Page CO2
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Refined analysis of radar altimetry data applied to the region of the subglacial Lake Vostok/Antarctica  • ARTICLE
Pages 269-284
S. Roemer, B. Legrésy, M. Horwath and R. Dietrich
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Regional evaporation estimates from flux tower and MODIS satellite data  • ARTICLE
Pages 285-304
Helen A. Cleugh, Ray Leuning, Qiaozhen Mu and Steven W. Running
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Characterization of post-fire surface cover, soils, and burn severity at the Cerro Grande Fire, New Mexico, using hyperspectral and multispectral remote sensing  • ARTICLE
Pages 305-325
Raymond F. Kokaly, Barnaby W. Rockwell, Sandra L. Haire and Trude V.V. King
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Near-real time retrievals of land surface temperature within the MODIS Rapid Response System  • ARTICLE
Pages 326-336
A.C.T. Pinheiro, J. Descloitres, J.L. Privette, J. Susskind, L. Iredell and J. Schmaltz
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Generation of geometrically and radiometrically terrain corrected SAR image products  • ARTICLE
Pages 337-349
Alexander Loew and Wolfram Mauser
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Detection of geothermal anomalies using Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) thermal infrared images at Bradys Hot Springs, Nevada, USA  • ARTICLE
Pages 350-359
M.F. Coolbaugh, C. Kratt, A. Fallacaro, W.M. Calvin and J.V. Taranik
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Temporal and spatial variability of the beginning and end of daily spring freeze/thaw cycles derived from scatterometer data  • ARTICLE
Pages 360-374
Annett Bartsch, Richard A. Kidd, Wolfgang Wagner and Zoltan Bartalis
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Comparison of impervious surface area and normalized difference vegetation index as indicators of surface urban heat island effects in Landsat imagery  • ARTICLE
Pages 375-386
Fei Yuan and Marvin E. Bauer
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Interannual covariability between actual evapotranspiration and PAL and GIMMS NDVIs of northern Asia  • ARTICLE
Pages 387-398
Rikie Suzuki, Kooiti Masuda and Dennis G. Dye
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