Ocean Modelling Volume 16, Issues 3-4, Pages 141-284 (2007) Версия для печати

Оглавление под катом 

Resolution convergence and sensitivity studies with North Atlantic circulation models. Part I: The western boundary current system  • ARTICLE
Pages 141-159
Frank O. Bryan, Matthew W. Hecht and Richard D. Smith
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Weak and strong constraint data assimilation in the inverse Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS): Development and application for a baroclinic coastal upwelling system  • ARTICLE
Pages 160-187
Emanuele Di Lorenzo, Andrew M. Moore, Hernan G. Arango, Bruce D. Cornuelle, Arthur J. Miller, Brian Powell, Boon S. Chua and Andrew F. Bennett
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Wind-generated waves in Hurricane Juan  • ARTICLE
Pages 188-205
Fumin Xu, Will Perrie, Bechara Toulany and Peter C. Smith
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High-resolution sea ice in long-term global ocean GCM integrations  • ARTICLE
Pages 206-223
Achim Stössel, Marion M. Stössel and Joong-Tae Kim
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A tree-based solver for adaptive ocean modelling  • ARTICLE
Pages 224-249
Stéphane Popinet and Graham Rickard
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Bifurcation structure of a wind-driven shallow water model with layer-outcropping  • ARTICLE
Pages 250-263
François W. Primeau and David Newman
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Data assimilation with inequality constraints  • ARTICLE
Pages 264-276
W.C. Thacker
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 Short Communication
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Propagation of wind and buoyancy forced density anomalies in the North Pacific: Dependence on ocean model resolution  • SHORT COMMUNICATION
Pages 277-284
LuAnne Thompson and Jordan Dawe
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