Deep Sea Research Part I Volume 53, Issue 12, Pages 1865-2010 (December 2006) Версия для печати

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1.  Editorial Board • EDITORIAL BOARD
Page CO2
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You are entitled to access the full text of this document 2.  Distribution of deep-water corals along the North American continental margins: Relationships with environmental factors • ARTICLE
Pages 1865-1879
Tanya L. Bryan and Anna Metaxas
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You are entitled to access the full text of this document 3.  Microhabitat type determines the composition of nematode communities associated with sediment-clogged cold-water coral framework in the Porcupine Seabight (NE Atlantic) • ARTICLE
Pages 1880-1894
M. Raes and A. Vanreusel
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You are entitled to access the full text of this document 4.  Dioxin compounds in the deep-sea rose shrimp Aristeus antennatus (Risso, 1816) throughout the Mediterranean Sea • ARTICLE
Pages 1895-1906
Guiomar Rotllant, Esteban Abad, Francisco Sardà, Manuela Ábalos, Joan B. Company and Josep Rivera
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You are entitled to access the full text of this document 5.  Southern elephant seal trajectories, fronts and eddies in the Brazil/Malvinas Confluence • ARTICLE
Pages 1907-1924
Claudio Campagna, Alberto R. Piola, Maria Rosa Marin, Mirtha Lewis and Teresita Fernández
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You are entitled to access the full text of this document 6.  Local remineralization patterns in the mesopelagic zone of the Eastern North Atlantic, off the NW Iberian Peninsula • ARTICLE
Pages 1925-1940
C.G. Castro, M. Nieto-Cid, X.A. Álvarez-Salgado and F.F. Pérez
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You are entitled to access the full text of this document 7.  Matching carbon pools and fluxes for the Southern Ocean Iron Release Experiment (SOIREE) • ARTICLE
Pages 1941-1960
Dorothee C.E. Bakker, Philip W. Boyd, Edward R. Abraham, Matthew A. Charette, Mark P. Gall, Julie A. Hall, Cliff S. Law, Scott D. Nodder, Karl Safi, Dick J. Singleton et al.
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You are entitled to access the full text of this document 8.  Distributions of dissolved and particulate biogenic thiols in the subartic Pacific Ocean • ARTICLE
Pages 1961-1974
Christopher L. Dupont, James. W. Moffett, Robert R. Bidigare and Beth A. Ahner
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You are entitled to access the full text of this document 9.  Seasonal changes in speciation of dissolved chromium in the surface Sargasso Sea • ARTICLE
Pages 1975-1988
Douglas P. Connelly, Peter J. Statham and Anthony H. Knap
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You are entitled to access the full text of this document 10.  Structure of the Subtropical Front in the Tasman Sea • ARTICLE
Pages 1989-2009
L.J. Hamilton
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