JGR - Oceans Vol. 111, No. C11 Версия для печати

В этом выпуске довольно много интересных статей на мой взгляд, как то про увеличение уровня моря и пресноводный баланс Арктики

Оглавление под катом 

Zheng, Guizhen; Cong, Peixiu; Pei, Yuhua
 On the improvements to the wave statistics of narrowbanded waves when applied to broadbanded waves
 J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 111, No. C11, C11016
 http://dx.doi.org/10.1029 /2005JC003106
 25 November 2006

 Taylor, P. D.; Feltham, D. L.; Sammonds, P. R.; Hatton, D.
 Continuum sea ice rheology determined from subcontinuum mechanics
 J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 111, No. C11, C11015
 http://dx.doi.org/10.1029 /2005JC002996
 25 November 2006

 Lowe, Jason A.; Gregory, Jonathan M.
 Understanding projections of sea level rise in a Hadley Centre coupled climate model
 J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 111, No. C11, C11014
 http://dx.doi.org/10.1029 /2005JC003421
 25 November 2006

 Bozec, A.; Bouruet-Aubertot, P.; Béranger, K.; Crépon, M.
 Mediterranean oceanic response to the interannual variability of a high-resolution atmospheric forcing: A focus on the Aegean Sea
 J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 111, No. C11, C11013
 http://dx.doi.org/10.1029 /2005JC003427
 25 November 2006

 Zhao, Zhongxiang; Alford, Matthew H.
 Source and propagation of internal solitary waves in the northeastern South China Sea
 J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 111, No. C11, C11012
 http://dx.doi.org/10.1029 /2006JC003644
 22 November 2006

 Kämpf, Jochen
 Transient wind-driven upwelling in a submarine canyon: A process-oriented modeling study
 J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 111, No. C11, C11011
 http://dx.doi.org/10.1029 /2006JC003497
 22 November 2006

 Yuan, Yeli; Zheng, Quanan; Dai, Dejun; Hu, Xiaomin; Qiao, Fangli; Meng, Junmin
 Mechanism of internal waves in the Luzon Strait
 J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 111, No. C11, C11S17
 http://dx.doi.org/10.1029 /2005JC003198
 21 November 2006

 [Special Section]
 Wang, Yonggang; Fang, Guohong; Wei, Zexun; Qiao, Fangli; Chen, Haiying
 Interannual variation of the South China Sea circulation and its relation to El Niño, as seen from a variable grid global ocean model
 J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 111, No. C11, C11S14
 http://dx.doi.org/10.1029 /2005JC003269
 21 November 2006

 [Special Section]
 Zheng, Quanan; Fang, Guohong; Song, Y. Tony
 Introduction to special section: Dynamics and Circulation of the Yellow, East, and South China Seas
 J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 111, No. C11, C11S01
 http://dx.doi.org/10.1029 /2005JC003261
 21 November 2006

 [Special Section]
 Serreze, Mark C.; Barrett, Andrew P.; Slater, Andrew G.; Woodgate, Rebecca A.; Aagaard, Knut; Lammers, Richard B.; Steele, Michael; Moritz, Richard; Meredith, Michael; Lee, Craig M.
 The large-scale freshwater cycle of the Arctic
 J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 111, No. C11, C11010
 http://dx.doi.org/10.1029 /2005JC003424
 21 November 2006

 Stambler, Noga
 Light and picophytoplankton in the Gulf of Eilat (Aqaba)
 J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 111, No. C11, C11009
 http://dx.doi.org/10.1029 /2005JC003373
 21 November 2006



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