Applied Ocean Research Volume 28, Issue 2, Pages 77-160 (April 2006) Версия для печати

В этом выпуске много статей посвящено волнам. Оглавление журнала под катом :) 

1.  Optimal latching control of a wave energy device in regular and irregular waves • ARTICLE
Pages 77-91
A. Babarit and A.H. Clément
Abstract | Full Text + Links | PDF (2434 K)
2.  Variation of wave directional spread parameters along the Indian coast • ARTICLE
Pages 93-102
V. Sanil Kumar
Abstract | Full Text + Links | PDF (1472 K)
3.  Studies on pullout capacity of anchors in marine clays for mooring systems • ARTICLE
Pages 103-111
S. Narasimha Rao, K. Hema Latha, B. Pallavi and S. Surendran
Abstract | Full Text + Links | PDF (1324 K)
4.  Water wave scattering by bottom undulations in the presence of a thin partially immersed barrier • ARTICLE
Pages 113-119
B.N. Mandal and Rupanwita Gayen
Abstract | Full Text + Links | PDF (527 K)
5.  A fully-spectral 3D time-domain model for second-order simulation of wavetank experiments. Part B: Validation, calibration versus experiments and sample applications • ARTICLE
Pages 121-132
Félicien Bonnefoy, David Le Touzé and Pierre Ferrant
Abstract | Full Text + Links | PDF (1749 K)
6.  Experimental and numerical evaluation of a typical dynamic positioning system • ARTICLE
Pages 133-146
E.A. Tannuri and H.M. Morishita
Abstract | Full Text + Links | PDF (2388 K)
7.  A B-spline solver for the forward-speed diffraction problem of a floating body in the time domain • ARTICLE
Pages 147-160
Ranadev Datta and Debabrata Sen
Abstract | Full Text + Links | PDF (2419 K)




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