GODAE Symposium on ocean data assimilation and prediction in Asia-Oceania Версия для печати
16-18 October 2006, Beijing, China
Call for Papers

Background and Objectives
Following the success of the first GODAE symposium held in Biarritz, France in 2002 (En route to GODAE) and the second one held in St. Petersburg, Florida, USA in 2004 (GODAE in Operation: Demonstrating Utility), GODAE is holding a third symposium in Beijin, China in October 16-18, 2006. This symposium will be focused on the development of ocean data assimilation and its applications in Asia and Oceania. It will also specifically address two general and important issues for GODAE: observing systems and error covariance. GODAE data assimilation efforts critically depend on sustained operation of remote sensing and in-situ observing systems (e.g. satellite altimetry, Argo). The specification of data and model error covariance remains a critical issue for any data assimilation system. The emerging utilizations of GODAE products for ecosystem and coastal research and operation provide stringent assessments of the quality of GODAE products for such applications. The specific requirements of these applications are important to the GODAE product developers as well as to the understanding of the need of large-scale observational systems.


Accordingly, the symposium will include the following four themes:

1. Observing systems

l Review/status of the global ocean observing system.

l Contribution by various observing systems (e.g. impact studies).

l GODAE pilot projects (Argo, GHRSST-PP) activities in Asia and Oceania.

2. Data and model error covariance

l Quantification of data error.

l Understanding and modeling the source of model errors.

l Practical implementation issues.

l Impact on Data Assimilation.

3. Marine ecosystem

l Contribution of GODAE to ecosystem modelling (e.g. Globec,Imber, JGOFS)

l Global and regional applications (especially in Asia and Oceania region)

l Requirements for GODAE systems

4. Coastal applications

l Use of open ocean systems to constrain coastal systems: technical and predictability issues

l Applications (especially in Asia and Oceania)

l Requirements for GODAE systems

Symposium Structure
The symposium will consist of
(1) Keynote speeches,
(2) General oral presentation,
(3) Posters, and
(4) Plenary discussion for each of the four themes described above if necessary.

Call for papers
Participants can submit abstract online. You can specify your presentation perference of oral or poster.

Support for travel and local expenses
Limited fund will be available to support travel and local expense of paticipants from developing countries. Please send application to local organizing group. (Need a form in the web page to facilitate the request for support).

Abstract submission: July 1, 2006.
Abstract acceptance notification: July 30, 2006.
Registration: August 30, 2006.

Registration fee:

Program committee
Dr. Jiang Zhu, IAP, China
Dr. Gary Brassington, BMRC, Australia
Dr. Ed Harrison, NOAA PMEL, USA
Dr. Adrian Hines, Met Office, UK
Dr. Masafumi Kamachi, JMA, Japan
Dr. Tong Lee, NASA JPL, USA

Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS)
World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP)
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Webpage: http://ctwf.iap.ac.cn/godae2006/


credits to: http://oceanographers.net/forums/showthread.php?t=1032 



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